Losing weight? No easy feat!


The end of the year is for many synonymous with good resolutions, often focused on weight. And it’s tempting to succumb to the latest revolutionary methods… A good idea?

Above all, it is important to look at your motivations and understand whether you want to lose weight to be healthier and get in shape, or to look like unrealistic beauty standards… Lose weight, okay, but for the right reasons! Then, among the plethora of popular diets, food supplements and miracle pills on the market, it is essential to be properly informed to make informed choices. We will provide you with an overview of the issue.

Beware of fad diets

Every year, new diet trends emerge. Very often, they are far from a dietary rebalancing, which ensures slow and lasting weight loss. On the contrary, fad diets, such as the Atkins diet, Mayo, Dukan, Scarsdale, intermittent fasting and others, attract many people by promising dramatic and rapid weight loss. However, before engaging in these diets that advocate drastic dietary restrictions, it is essential to take a step back and think about the health consequences , both physically and psychologically .

When you undertake a draconian or unbalanced diet, you expose yourself to potential risks. Severe dietary restrictions can lead to nutritional deficiencies and adverse health consequences. These deficiencies can affect the functioning of various organs and systems, ranging from metabolism to digestion to the immune system. Additionally, these restrictive diets can increase the risk of hypoglycemia, which results in intense hunger and low energy.

Every individual has specific weight loss needs.

On a psychological level, undertaking a restrictive diet can be extremely taxing. Food deprivation can lead to feelings of frustration, anger and irritability. When we constantly feel hungry, it can also affect our concentration and mood. Additionally, crash diets can impact self-esteem because they are difficult to follow in the long term. Another psychological effect to take into consideration is the risk of depression, linked to the disappointment and discouragement of not having lost as much and as quickly as one would like, or of regaining the pounds lost after so much effort. This depression can even lead to real depression.

Is there a miracle pill?

Alas no. It is true that semaglutide (Ozempic®) has attracted media attention since personalities such as Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk have praised its weight loss benefits. Marketed since 2017 for diabetes, it is not officially authorized for weight loss, despite noted slimming effects. Indeed, its use can have serious side effects. And its long-term safety profile is still largely unknown. Other drugs are being studied with promising results. But it is clear that none of these drugs are miraculous for weight loss. You will find more information on this subject HERE.

The importance of a balanced approach

Unlike restrictive and potentially dangerous diets, adopting good eating habits, which provide your body with all the nutrients it needs, can only be beneficial for your figure, and especially your health. There is no secret, the best recipe for losing weight effectively, healthily and sustainably is to combine a balanced and varied diet with appropriate physical activity .

Balanced diet

When you want to lose weight, it is important to understand that this approach is based on a fundamental equation: you must consume fewer calories than your body expends . However, it is crucial to know where the line is between creating a calorie deficit and putting yourself at risk. “Consuming less” does not in any way mean starving yourself. It is entirely possible to eat your fill while promoting weight loss, provided you make wise food choices. Vegetables, for example, are nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods that are perfect for filling you up.

Here are some practical tips to help you balance your diet while achieving your weight loss goals:

  • Plan your meals : Prepare your meals in advance to avoid impulsive food choices. Include a variety of healthy foods, including vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.
  • Eat mindfully : take the time to savor your meals and listen to your body. Avoid distractions during meals, such as the television or computer, to better recognize fullness signals.
  • Control portions : Use smaller plates to help you control quantities. Avoid excessively large meals which can lead to overconsumption of calories.
  • Stay hydrated : Drink enough water throughout the day, as thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger. Water is essential for a good metabolism.
  • Avoid processed foods : Reduce the consumption of foods high in added sugars, saturated fats and additives. Choose fresh, unprocessed foods.
  • Listen to your body : if you feel real hunger, don’t restrict yourself excessively. It is best to choose nutritious snacks, such as nuts (be careful, however, to moderate the quantities, because although excellent for your health, nuts are very caloric), yogurt or fruit, to satisfy your appetite .

Rather than looking for quick fixes, the focus should be on a moderate and sustainable calorie deficit , which you will achieve by gradually adjusting your diet and increasing your level of physical activity.

Please note that each individual has specific needs when it comes to weight loss. If you have any questions or concerns about your diet and weight loss, do not hesitate to consult a dietitian or nutritionist doctor. The greater the weight loss you are aiming for, the more judicious this monitoring by a health professional is. It will allow you to avoid any deficiency and check if an underlying health problem is not hiding behind your weight gain.

What about the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is an option to consider. It is known for its health benefits, particularly in the prevention of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, dementia and depression. This diet emphasizes a varied, colorful and balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains and fish, with moderate consumption of red meat and red wine. However, it is also important to tailor this diet to your individual needs.

Adapted physical activity

Choosing a suitable exercise can be especially difficult for overweight people. There are many challenges, from the fear of being looked at by others when going to the gym or swimming pool, to the difficulty inherent in practicing sports for those who are not used to it. Additionally, there are legitimate concerns about health risks, particularly regarding joints. It is essential to understand these challenges and approach exercise with kindness towards yourself.

To start, it is recommended to go slowly. No need to impose intensive training from the start. Instead, opt for activities adapted to your level, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, to move without damaging your joints. The goal is not only to burn calories, but also to create lasting habits. It’s crucial to remember that even though the road is long, better health awaits you at the end of the road. Every little step counts, and as you become more comfortable with exercising, you will gradually increase the intensity of your sessions. Be patient, have empathy with yourself, and focus on creating positive habits that will support your long-term well-being. The result: you will be in better shape, you will lose fat mass more easily, you will develop your muscle mass and increase your basic metabolism (which will make you burn more calories at rest), you will refine your figure by avoiding have sagging skin… and you will feel great, thanks to the hormones secreted during your sessions!

Are there any useful dietary supplements?

Food supplements dedicated to slimming are available in abundance in various stores and pharmacies, with ever more attractive formulas: fat burner, flat stomach, detox, etc. Although these products can be beneficial in certain conditions, you must also remain cautious. To choose the right slimming food supplement, it is essential to first identify the problem that is slowing down weight loss. Each organization is different, so this specificity must be taken into account to make a wise choice. Also, depending on your possible health problems or treatments, certain supplements are not recommended. Talk to your pharmacist, he or she will be able to guide you and direct you, if necessary, to your doctor for a blood test.

Note, however, that food supplements do not have a miracle effect on weight loss. They will only be of interest if they are associated with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Informed decisions with the help of your pharmacist

Weight isn’t just a question of aesthetics. Adopting good eating habits, which will lead you to your ideal weight, is a wise decision to take care of your health. But it’s crucial to be discerning when it comes to fad diets and dietary supplements. Do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice. As a healthcare professional, he knows the potential risks and the options that meet your specific needs.

The end of the year is for many synonymous with good resolutions, often focused on weight. And it’s tempting to succumb to the latest revolutionary methods… A good idea?

Above all, it is important to look at your motivations and understand whether you want to lose weight to be healthier and get in shape, or to look like unrealistic beauty standards… Lose weight, okay, but for the right reasons! Then, among the plethora of popular diets, food supplements and miracle pills on the market, it is essential to be properly informed to make informed choices. We will provide you with an overview of the issue.

Beware of fad diets

Every year, new diet trends emerge. Very often, they are far from a dietary rebalancing, which ensures slow and lasting weight loss. On the contrary, fad diets, such as the Atkins diet, Mayo, Dukan, Scarsdale, intermittent fasting and others, attract many people by promising dramatic and rapid weight loss. However, before engaging in these diets that advocate drastic dietary restrictions, it is essential to take a step back and think about the health consequences , both physically and psychologically .

When you undertake a draconian or unbalanced diet, you expose yourself to potential risks. Severe dietary restrictions can lead to nutritional deficiencies and adverse health consequences. These deficiencies can affect the functioning of various organs and systems, ranging from metabolism to digestion to the immune system. Additionally, these restrictive diets can increase the risk of hypoglycemia, which results in intense hunger and low energy.

Every individual has specific weight loss needs.

On a psychological level, undertaking a restrictive diet can be extremely taxing. Food deprivation can lead to feelings of frustration, anger and irritability. When we constantly feel hungry, it can also affect our concentration and mood. Additionally, crash diets can impact self-esteem because they are difficult to follow in the long term. Another psychological effect to take into consideration is the risk of depression, linked to the disappointment and discouragement of not having lost as much and as quickly as one would like, or of regaining the pounds lost after so much effort. This depression can even lead to real depression.

Is there a miracle pill?

Alas no. It is true that semaglutide (Ozempic®) has attracted media attention since personalities such as Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk have praised its weight loss benefits. Marketed since 2017 for diabetes, it is not officially authorized for weight loss, despite noted slimming effects. Indeed, its use can have serious side effects. And its long-term safety profile is still largely unknown. Other drugs are being studied with promising results. But it is clear that none of these drugs are miraculous for weight loss. You will find more information on this subject HERE.

The importance of a balanced approach

Unlike restrictive and potentially dangerous diets, adopting good eating habits, which provide your body with all the nutrients it needs, can only be beneficial for your figure, and especially your health. There is no secret, the best recipe for losing weight effectively, healthily and sustainably is to combine a balanced and varied diet with appropriate physical activity .

Balanced diet

When you want to lose weight, it is important to understand that this approach is based on a fundamental equation: you must consume fewer calories than your body expends . However, it is crucial to know where the line is between creating a calorie deficit and putting yourself at risk. “Consuming less” does not in any way mean starving yourself. It is entirely possible to eat your fill while promoting weight loss, provided you make wise food choices. Vegetables, for example, are nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods that are perfect for filling you up.

Here are some practical tips to help you balance your diet while achieving your weight loss goals:

  • Plan your meals : Prepare your meals in advance to avoid impulsive food choices. Include a variety of healthy foods, including vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.
  • Eat mindfully : take the time to savor your meals and listen to your body. Avoid distractions during meals, such as the television or computer, to better recognize fullness signals.
  • Control portions : Use smaller plates to help you control quantities. Avoid excessively large meals which can lead to overconsumption of calories.
  • Stay hydrated : Drink enough water throughout the day, as thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger. Water is essential for a good metabolism.
  • Avoid processed foods : Reduce the consumption of foods high in added sugars, saturated fats and additives. Choose fresh, unprocessed foods.
  • Listen to your body : if you feel real hunger, don’t restrict yourself excessively. It is best to choose nutritious snacks, such as nuts (be careful, however, to moderate the quantities, because although excellent for your health, nuts are very caloric), yogurt or fruit, to satisfy your appetite .

Rather than looking for quick fixes, the focus should be on a moderate and sustainable calorie deficit , which you will achieve by gradually adjusting your diet and increasing your level of physical activity.

Please note that each individual has specific needs when it comes to weight loss. If you have any questions or concerns about your diet and weight loss, do not hesitate to consult a dietitian or nutritionist doctor. The greater the weight loss you are aiming for, the more judicious this monitoring by a health professional is. It will allow you to avoid any deficiency and check if an underlying health problem is not hiding behind your weight gain.

What about the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is an option to consider. It is known for its health benefits, particularly in the prevention of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, dementia and depression. This diet emphasizes a varied, colorful and balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains and fish, with moderate consumption of red meat and red wine. However, it is also important to tailor this diet to your individual needs.

Adapted physical activity

Choosing a suitable exercise can be especially difficult for overweight people. There are many challenges, from the fear of being looked at by others when going to the gym or swimming pool, to the difficulty inherent in practicing sports for those who are not used to it. Additionally, there are legitimate concerns about health risks, particularly regarding joints. It is essential to understand these challenges and approach exercise with kindness towards yourself.

To start, it is recommended to go slowly. No need to impose intensive training from the start. Instead, opt for activities adapted to your level, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, to move without damaging your joints. The goal is not only to burn calories, but also to create lasting habits. It’s crucial to remember that even though the road is long, better health awaits you at the end of the road. Every little step counts, and as you become more comfortable with exercising, you will gradually increase the intensity of your sessions. Be patient, have empathy with yourself, and focus on creating positive habits that will support your long-term well-being. The result: you will be in better shape, you will lose fat mass more easily, you will develop your muscle mass and increase your basic metabolism (which will make you burn more calories at rest), you will refine your figure by avoiding have sagging skin… and you will feel great, thanks to the hormones secreted during your sessions!

Are there any useful dietary supplements?

Food supplements dedicated to slimming are available in abundance in various stores and pharmacies, with ever more attractive formulas: fat burner, flat stomach, detox, etc. Although these products can be beneficial in certain conditions, you must also remain cautious. To choose the right slimming food supplement, it is essential to first identify the problem that is slowing down weight loss. Each organization is different, so this specificity must be taken into account to make a wise choice. Also, depending on your possible health problems or treatments, certain supplements are not recommended. Talk to your pharmacist, he or she will be able to guide you and direct you, if necessary, to your doctor for a blood test.

Note, however, that food supplements do not have a miracle effect on weight loss. They will only be of interest if they are associated with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Informed decisions with the help of your pharmacist

Weight isn’t just a question of aesthetics. Adopting good eating habits, which will lead you to your ideal weight, is a wise decision to take care of your health. But it’s crucial to be discerning when it comes to fad diets and dietary supplements. Do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice. As a healthcare professional, he knows the potential risks and the options that meet your specific needs.

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