Wild boar: three exotic recipes to get off the beaten track

You have the feeling that you have already explored all the wild boar recipes and you want to innovate. To renew your inspiration in the kitchen, let's cross a few borders, those of France. Here are three exotic and tasty recipes to change from the ordinary.

Indian wild boar curry

A typical dish of Indian cuisine, curry consists of a spicy and fragrant sauce, in which meat, fish or vegetables are simmered. Wild boar lends itself very well to this preparation. Its firm and tasty flesh will benefit the most from long cooking over low heat, which will enhance the spices as much as this racy meat. To make this dish, you need:

  • 1 kg of wild boar stew cut into pieces. As a reminder, wild boar stew is delicious pieces of meat cut from the heart of the haunch.
  • 2 chopped onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic, chopped;
  • 1 piece of grated fresh ginger;
  • 2 tablespoons of curry paste (red or green depending on your taste);
  • 1 can of coconut milk (approximately 40 ml);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Salt and pepper.

Allow around twenty minutes to prepare this dish.

Heat a little oil in a casserole dish and fry the onions, garlic and ginger for a few minutes, until they are golden.

Add the curry paste (red or green depending on your taste) and mix gently.

Add the pieces of wild boar and brown them on all sides.

Pour in the coconut milk, salt, pepper and bring to the boil.

Reduce the heat and simmer for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until the meat is tender.

Serve with basmati rice or naan bread.

The typicality of wild boar meat combined with the strength of the curry create this colorful association. Comforting and generous, this dish will please spice lovers in the heart of winter.

Wild boar tagine with prunes and almonds

For this recipe, let's cross the Mediterranean to meet this typical dish of Moroccan culture: the tagine. The principle is the same as for the previous dish: meat simmered in a spicy and fragrant sauce to which dried fruits and vegetables are added. To get a ticket for Casablanca, here are the ingredients:

  • 1 kg of wild boar cut into pieces (always the stew);
  • 500 g pitted prunes
  • 100 g of blanched almonds
  • 2 chopped onions
  • 4 cloves of garlic, chopped;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin;
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric;
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Salt and pepper.

For this recipe, nothing rocket science:

Heat the oil in a tagine (or casserole dish) and brown the onions and garlic. Add cinnamon and spices. Add the pieces of wild boar and brown them on all sides. Pour in water, add salt and pepper and bring to the boil.

Reduce the heat and simmer for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until the meat is tender.

Halfway through cooking, you can add roughly chopped vegetables (carrots, zucchini, potatoes, etc.).

About 15 minutes before serving, add the prunes, almonds and honey. continue cooking until the sauce is syrupy.

Serve with semolina or couscous.

The combination of tender meat and dried fruits will delight sweet and sour lovers.

Pistachio and cranberry terrine

To get off the beaten track of French charcuterie, rediscover the terrine to cook a surprising starter. You can either make a large terrine or divide the preparation into jars to be sterilized.

To make this terrine, you need:

  • 1 kg of wild boar meat, without bones or cartilage, in the shoulder or collar;
  • 400 gr of pork loin;
  • 400 gr of fatty, boneless and unsmoked fresh pork belly,
  • 200 gr of pork loin (a variation can be made with wild boar liver)
  • 100 g shelled pistachios;
  • 100 g of dried cranberries;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of brandy;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley;
  • Salt and pepper.

The implementation is simple:

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix all the meats with, ideally, a 3 mm diameter grid. In a salad bowl, mix everything with the eggs, cognac, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix your preparation by hand to ensure even distribution of all the ingredients. Add the pistachios and cranberries. Mix again.

Do not hesitate to taste the preparation to possibly adjust your seasonings.

Then place the preparation in a ceramic or metal terrine. Pack everything together to avoid air bubbles. Be sure to leave some space around the edges.

Cover with the lid or aluminum foil.

Cook in a bain-marie for around 1h30, checking the cooking with a knife stuck in the heart. If the meat doesn't stick to the tip, it's ready!

Let cool completely before unmolding.

For the more creative, serve your terrine with vegetable pickles. Their color as much as their taste changes from traditional pickles. You double your surprise effect!

Article originally published on November 29, 2023

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